医疗机构第二类精神药品管理专家共识中国药学会医院药学专业委员会, 中华医学会临床药学分会, 中国药理学会药源性疾病专业委员会, 中国医院协会药事管理专业委员会, 《医疗机构第二类精神药品管理专家共识》编写组
Consensus on the management of Category Ⅱ Psychotropic Substances in healthcare institutions
Committee of Hospital Pharmacy of China Pharmaceutical Society, Special Committee of Clinical Pharmacy, Chinese Medical Association, Professional Committee of Drug-induced Diseases, Chinese pharmacological society, Pharmaceutical Professional Committee of China Hospital Association, Consensus on the Management of Category Ⅱ Psychotropic in Healthcare Institutions Writing Group
中国医院药学杂志 . 2023, (6): 591 -596 .  DOI: 10.13286/j.1001-5213.2023.06.01