朱秀清, 龚丽娴, 罗晓媛, 胡晋卿, 邓书华, 谭亚倩, 卢浩扬, 倪晓佳, 王占璋, 李璐, 张明, 尚德为, 温预关
Use of Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate intravenous linezolid standard dosing regimen in the treatment of common gram-positive organisms in Chinese adult patients with shock
ZHU Xiu-qing, GONG Li-xian, LUO Xiao-yuan, HU Jin-qing, DENG Shu-hua, TAN Ya-qian, LU Hao-yang, NI Xiao-jia, WANG Zhan-zhang, LI Lu, ZHANG Ming, SHANG De-wei, WEN Yu-guan
中国医院药学杂志 . 2020, (19): 2036 -2040 .  DOI: 10.13286/j.1001-5213.2020.19.06